BECOMING ME Masterclass

(next class begins February 2022)

I designed this class to help you experience lasting change by letting go of who you're not, discovering more fully what's in your heart, and restaging your life for the season ahead!

Can't Wait until February when the next class opens?

You can get access to the self-paced online class and save $200.


Have you ever tried and tried to change an area of your life? I have! It can seem like the harder we try, the more we fail. We can use our strength and determination and change our behavior for a time, but eventually, we get tired or bored and we go back to normal.

Why is that?

Our behavior comes out of our identity. If we want lasting change, it has to begin on the inside. Lasting change is the kind of change that actually changes our identity. Every time we make a change in our heart, life will begin to produce differently on the outside as well.

In this Masterclass, you will learn how to experience the power of effortless change - change that happens when we shift something in our heart instead of as a result of strength or determination. That's how we restage our lives from the inside out!


If you're like most people, life feels really full! That's because we go through life collecting things that don't serve us. We collect obligations, roles, things, possessions, and responsibilities. If we always add and never evaluate or let go, we can lose ourselves in all of the things we collect. In Becoming Me, you will have the opportunity to sort through your collection and let go of what's no longer serving you.


What happens when we let go of what's not serving us? We recover margin. It's in that margin that we can think, imagine, dream and create. It's where we discover who we are in a more intimate way and have the space to explore what God has put in our hearts.

Becoming me is intended to be a lifelong experience. There are gifts, talents, desires and dreams still to be discovered in us, no matter our age. Our relationship with the Holy Spirit produces continual discovery of the life of God within us. We become richer and richer in discovering the amazing treasure that God has put in this life called me!


I hope that you will join me in Becoming Me! I know that in just 12 weeks you can experience change, leave weights behind, breathe in new life, love yourself more, and experience change you didn't think was possible.

There's more detail about what a Masterclass is on my website Cost is $497+GST.

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I look forward to connecting with you.

I can't wait for you to CHANGE YOUR STORY!